
Creating A Preflop Poker Plan 

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Simplifying Poker Strategy: Effective Preflop Planning

Poker can seem immensely complex due to the numerous variables that need consideration in every situation. However, creating a plan or at least a framework for evaluating our options simplifies the game significantly. Ultimately, we are always asking ourselves, “How, if at all, are we going to turn our hand and situation into money?” As poker players, our main focus is making +EV (positive expected value) plays that generate profit. Our planning process should clearly reflect that. Let’s review some considerations for planning our preflop hands:

Expected Preflop Actions: Anticipate Opponent Responses

When thinking about future actions, we should always consider the potential responses to our plays. For example, before we raise, we should ask, “Do I expect to get 3-bet frequently here? If yes, do I have a plan for that?” Before calling a raise, we might ask, “Do we expect to get squeezed if we call? If so, how often and do we have a plan for it?” These considerations are crucial unless we are closing the preflop action. Haha777! Evaluating these factors ensures that our strategy is robust against various opponent responses, which is essential for maintaining profitability.

Type of Hand Being Played: Align Hand Strength with Strategy

There are different hand strengths preflop, such as implied odds hands, outright value hands, semi-bluff hands, and total air. When deciding to play a particular hand type, we need to ensure the reasons for playing it and the expected situations are appropriate. For instance, why play an implied odds hand if there are no implied odds? Why get involved in a multi-way pot with a hand that doesn’t perform well in that situation? While solid poker involves exploiting our opponents and their tendencies, we must also consider our hole cards for optimal line creation. Haha777! Matching hand type with strategic goals maximizes our chances of capitalizing on favorable situations.

Expected Pot Dynamics: Adjust Based on Pot Type

When considering preflop actions, it’s crucial to anticipate the type of pot we might face: heads-up, multi-way, or no-way. This influences our hand selection and strategy. For instance, if we expect many callers, we should raise with hands that perform well in multi-way pots. If we anticipate many folds, we can open more liberally. Unexpected actions, like getting squeezed by a tight player or facing five callers when we expected one, don’t necessarily indicate a poor plan. However, if we consistently face situations (e.g., multi-way pots) that aren’t favorable, we should reconsider our preflop strategy. Haha777! Adjusting our strategy based on anticipated pot dynamics helps us optimize our play in different scenarios.

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Creating the Right SPR: Tailor Play to Stack-to-Pot Ratio

Our goal with preflop actions is to create profitable situations by considering the stack-to-pot ratio (SPR). Different hands perform well in different SPR zones, so we should keep this in mind when choosing our lines. For example, if we’re considering 3-betting with AQ, we should ask, “If we 3-bet and get called, how does AQ perform in the expected SPR?” If AQ performs poorly in that SPR, we might choose another line, like adjusting our bet size or flatting. SPR is more critical as effective stacks get smaller and less so with deeper stacks. Generally, lines are clearer with a small SPR but can become tricky in the 3-6 SPR zone. Always consider SPR when it’s relevant to your decision-making. Haha777! Tailoring our play to the SPR ensures that our decisions are aligned with the potential profitability of our hand.

Could Another Line Show More Profit?: Evaluate Alternatives

One of the great things about poker is the limited number of actions we can take. If we are first to act, we can only open-raise or open-limp. If someone opened the pot in front of us, we can fold, call, or reraise. By running through the logical outcomes and expected value (EV) of each action, we can more easily choose the best one. The planning process ensures that we’re not just considering the most +EV action on this street but taking the most +EV line for the entire hand.Haha777! Exploring alternative lines and comparing their profitability helps us identify the optimal strategy for each situation.

Evaluating Continuation Bet Success: Plan for Postflop Play

Since getting callers is common, we need to shape our preflop range with an understanding of flop profitability. For example, if a player limps with a set-mining range and tends to limp/call, we might isolate him liberally. Knowing he plays flops in a set-or-jet manner allows us to use larger preflop sizes (within reason) and smaller continuation bet (CB) sizes (again, within reason). This approach creates a plan, making it easier to select a range (do our hole cards even matter with the stated assumptions?). Haha777! By planning for postflop scenarios, we enhance our ability to make profitable continuation bets and adjust our strategy accordingly.

Using the Same Thought Process in a 3-Bet Scenario: Anticipate Opponent Reactions

When considering a light 3-bet, especially if we expect the preflop raiser to call frequently, it’s important to think ahead. While the outright EV of the 3-bet might be negative, the play can become massively profitable if our opponent plays fit-or-fold against continuation bets (CBs). Our goal is to always think one step ahead and create the best possible lines. Haha777! Anticipating how opponents will react to our 3-bets allows us to craft strategies that exploit their tendencies and maximize our profit.

Evaluating Continuation Bet Failure: Adapt to Known Opponent Tendencies

Sometimes, we make a preflop play against a known calling station or habitual peeler. In these situations, we need to choose hands that perform well postflop. For example, if a calling station limps in middle position (MP) and we are in the big blind (BB), isolating with 74s out of position (OOP) is not ideal. By anticipating that we’ll get called preflop, be OOP postflop, and face an opponent who doesn’t fold to many CBs, we can avoid making a suboptimal play. Visualizing the expected postflop scenario helps us decide the best preflop line. Haha777! Adapting to known opponent tendencies ensures that our plays are well-suited to the specific dynamics of the table.

Considering Flexibility: Plan for Later Streets

Sometimes, we can think even further ahead and consider turn and river lines. Just because an opponent calls our preflop raise and CB more often doesn’t mean all hope is lost for a bluff. If the opponent plays the turn and river in a fit-or-fold manner, we can plan on double-barreling our bluffs. However, this level of information is rare. We should consider it if we have the data, but usually, we shouldn’t venture into turn and river bluffs without a solid understanding of their profitability. Haha777! Incorporating flexibility into our planning allows us to adapt our strategy based on the evolving dynamics of the hand.

Simplifying the Thought Process: Practice Makes Perfect

It may seem like there are many factors to consider, and to some extent, there are. However, these considerations become easier with practice. Simply ask yourself what you expect to happen if you make play X or play Y, then visualize their respective profitability. This approach is the foundation for creating new and exploitative plays, leading to increased profit. Keep practicing until this thought process becomes second nature, and enjoy making plays with more confidence and EV. Haha777! Simplifying the thought process through practice helps in developing a more intuitive and effective approach to poker strategy.

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